Hi Bret, I believe that the first point of contact for this would actually be through the Ministry of the Environment and Parks. With your permission, I will forward your email to the Minister’s office as a constituent concern and request that they follow up. Would you be interested in meeting with MLA Renaud in the new year to discuss how she could help move this idea forward? Thank you and have a great day! *Andrew Traynor* *Constituency Assistant, St. Albert* *W:780.459.9113 * *C: 780.405.0581 *
Reply to: Over the years, my siblings, our kids, and so on would spend time with them at the campground – so it is a well known spot in our family. Murray was going to look into the possibility of having the lake renamed to something like ‘Lyle and Marie Lake’. There are several Ghost Lakes in Alberta. We think this would be a significant and meaningful tribute to my parents. I don’t know if such a thing (rename) is possible. If it is possible, how would we proceed?