2015-12-03 Statements to Media on pre-trial hearingRenewed my confidence in both the RCMP & the Crown.
2015-10-19 Vader to be released on bailRick phoned to say that an acceptable residence for Vader has been obtained.
2019-03-06 Please support McCanns’ LawAdobe spark video made to support McCanns’ Law and the e-petition.
Location HistoryMaps based on my Google Location History.
2015-??-?? Vader bail on assault charge is deniedRick phoned to say Vader’s bail hearing happened today, and that he will stay in custody, for now.
2015-09-21 Lance & Bret meet with Rick JaneLance & I met with Rick Jane at our house. He provided us with subpeonas to testify on March 7 on the first day of the trial.
2016-02-05 Defense expert witness feesDefense has applied for Legal Aid to pay the costs of an expert witness.
What’s NewRecent posts. Start browsing here!
2019-03-01 MP Dane Lloyd Introduces McCanns’ LawDane Lloyd, MP for Sturgeon River – Parkland, introduced McCanns’ Law in the House of Commons.
Favourite Songs (Bret)A collection of YouTube videos of my favourite songs.